Protecting Fathers’ Rights In Divorce And Child Custody
It is difficult to enter into any situation feeling like you are at a disadvantage. When it comes to matters like child custody and child support, many fathers feel this way: worried that they won’t get a fair shake.
When your relationship with your children is on the line, you need an attorney who is willing to fight to get you a fair outcome. At The Kalanta Law Office in Modesto, California, that is what you will get. We take personal responsibility for protecting your parental rights.
Taking Control With Skilled Legal Guidance
When dealing with child custody, visitation, child support or paternity matters, you must work within the confines of the law. While some aspects of the law are set in stone, there are still variable factors.
At our firm, we focus on the parts of your case that we can control. We can control how the court perceives you by showing that you are a capable and loving parent. We can bring in witnesses to support your case. We can carefully review your financial situation for evidence supporting a fair child support order.
In short, there is a lot we can control to ensure your rights and your best interests as a father are protected.
Standing Up To The Other Side
There is a common notion that mothers have the advantage in certain family law issues. While this was once the case, the law no longer reflects that idea. In fact, the law no longer distinguishes between parents, giving each equal footing.
Despite this fact, many lawyers still try to claim that the mother deserves more than the father. When you work with us, will stand up to this notion because we know it is not correct. We know that children deserve to spend time with both of their parents. We will aggressively challenge any notion that you deserve less than that.
Learn More In Your Consultation
Tell us about your situation in a initial consultation. Call us at 209-225-9333 or send us an email to schedule your appointment.